Monday, May 26, 2014

Dictamnus Albus var. Purpureas Redux

Dictamnus albus var. purpureas blooming in my new garden
     I previously wrote about Dictamnus albus var. purpureas (commonly known as pink burning bush) here.  In that post I talked about the dictamnus I had in my old garden at Froggy Bottom.  These plants in the picture above are at my new garden, but they are the very same plants which I dug up and moved.  As you can see, the move did not bother them at all, even though I dug them up and them left them sitting out of the ground for more than a month before I planted them!  This experience is completely contrary to the oft-repeated maxim that dictamnus do not like to be moved.  I think this is true of a lot of garden lore--much of it has not been scientifically tested, and may not be true. Anyway, this is a great plant, as I wrote previously, and it is a shame that you do not see it more in nurseries.


  1. Wow...seriously, I thought they were like Baptisia...and hated to be moved! I've looked for this plant for ages and have never seen it for sale...pity...and now I don't have room for one even if I found it!

  2. I'm glad to see your post. I've been looking for this plant (white form) for a couple of years--saw it last year (at Swanson's, I think) but, for some reason, failed to purchase it. I won't be so indecisive this year!

  3. Beautiful! I keep thinking of getting one for the gardens here but haven't yet done so. this inspires me to get with the program and find a spot for it.

  4. I love Dictamnus and agree that it is not found in nurseries often enough. I see it offered more frequently as seed. Good to know that it moves easily.

  5. It is a shame. I have seen many photos of it through the years, but don't think I've ever seen it face-to-leaf. Good to know it isn't difficult to move.
